Fast-rising Nollywood actress, Celine Dimas, has produced movie series titled ‘LolaTheSeries’, which stars Ayo Adesanya. The story is based on the adventures of a super hero character, Omolola Thomas aka Lola, a mean sexy no-nonsense female detective, who’s an expert in the field of special crime fighting. In ‘LolaTheSeries’ Season one, we are going to…
Tags: ayo adesanya
Ayo Adesanya Clocks 46 In Style
Star actress, Ayo Adesanya, is 46 today, Thursday, August 11, 2016. This might come as a surprise to some of her fans because she does not look her age. To some, she looks 37, while other might feel she is just approaching 40. To mark the day, the mother of one released few adorable photographs…