Why Publiseer Partnered With Baker & Taylor

Recently, a Nigerian company which specialises in the distribution and publishing of intellectual materials on the internet, Publiseer, announced a partnership with another company known as Baker & Taylor.

It was learnt that Publiseer agreed to work together with Baker & Taylor in order to reach more markets across Africa and the globe.

Baker & Taylor is the largest distributor of both digital and print books worldwide, distributing materials to thousands of book libraries, publishers and retailers around the world.

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Publiseer, which has decided to focus more on library distribution for its independent authors, explained that with the addition of Baker & Taylor, it can now reach more public book libraries around the world.

This, it said, will improve the reach of its independent authors to the over 1 billion people who visit book libraries worldwide, every year.

Before now, Publiseer already distributes to over 40,000 book libraries worldwide through its addition of OverDrive and Bibliotheca. However, the ebook and audiobook aggregator will be taking its library distribution even deeper with its addition of Baker & Taylor as part of its library distribution service.

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Publiseer said it believes that book libraries are a great way for its authors to improve the visibility of their books and increase revenue potential. This is evident in the company’s growth in library revenue in the past few months.

With the aggregator’s new expanded library distribution service, more readers will be able to discover and read its author’s books and also recommend it to their book-lover friends.

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Publiseer is a digital content distribution company that lets independent African writers and musicians distribute, protect and monetize their books, audiobooks, songs and music videos across hundreds of digital platforms worldwide, at no charge, with a single click. Founded August 2017, Publiseer has been described by Konbibi as “one of the largest independent digital publishers in Africa”.

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